Friday, July 13, 2012

My Top 10 Rules for Healthy Living

A reader asked me for a list of “rules” to follow.  That sounds easy, right!?  Do as I say…If I could only learn to stick to my own rules a little bit more.

1.  Pay more attention to your body fat more than your weight in pounds.  Invest in a scale that can track body fat.  I am happy with this one from

2.  Drink a huge amount of water.  You should be annoyed that you have to pee all of the time.  That means you are drinking enough water.  If you need to, add lemon, Mio, Crystal Light, brew it into tea…go ahead!  It is still better than not drinking enough water.

3.  Eat huge amounts of fiber.  You should have at least one bowel movement a day, every day of the week.  If you are not doing that, you need more fiber.  And you can get it from supplements so no excuses.

4.  Avoid drinks with calories UNLESS those calories are largely protein-based.  My favorite example of this exception is Muscle Milk Light 100 calorie shakes.  No frappes, milk shakes, juice etc. 

5.  Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day.  The first one should be high in protein.  Six 250-calorie meals throughout the day will seem more filling than three 500-calorie meals.

6.  Learn about which carbohydrates to eat and when to eat them.  The whole concept of no or low-carb is so misleading.  You want to eliminate refined grains and sugar, not all carbohydrates!  To eliminate all carbs would mean that you are avoiding fruits and vegetables and other things essential to balanced and healthy living.  I do think it is ideal to limit high-glycemic carbohydrate based foods in your diet.  If you want to eat them (HGC), eat them early in the day.  Pick a cut-off time, maybe two pm.  Aim for eating high-glycemic carbs (fruits and anything grain based) before 2pm, and feel free to eat low-glycemic carbs (vegetables) anytime before or after 2pm.

7.  Train with weights.  They will not bulk you up or make you look un-feminine.  Weight training will help your metabolism much more than time spent running or walking.  Cardio effects our metabolism for a few hours after a workout.  Weight lifting can elevate your metabolism for more than two days!

8.  Stagger your caloric intake every day.  An example would be following a pattern like this:
Mon:  1,300 calories
Tue:  1,700 calories
Wed:  1,200 calories
Thu:  1,600 calories
Fri:  1,300 calories
Why?  It confuses our metabolism.  Our metabolism always strives for efficiency and balance.  Our body tries to become more efficient with less energy.  By always adjusting the amount of energy (calories) you input, it keeps your body guessing.

9.  Consider a cheat day.  Try to eat as healthy as possible six days a week.  If you really want something, write it down on your cheat day list.  On your cheat day, enjoy as much as you want for a meal or two, not a full 24 hours!  Many people find that eating such indulgent, fatty and heavy foods will actually make you feel blah.  It can make you realize that you feel better eating healthy.  Or it can be enough to control your urges for junk for another six days. 

10.  Add vegetables to every meal if possible.  Pile them on your sandwich, add a bunch of chopped up veggies to your macaroni salad, and add them to your breakfast omelet.  Adding low-calorie veggies to every meal will bulk up the meal’s volume without changing the total calories.  It will also leave you satisfied for a longer period of time.

As with everything, pick and choose what works for YOU.  Find a few new strategies to add to your healthy “tool box” and try to experiment with them in your daily routine.

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